Author:许越 Martina Translator:李智皓 George
On 19 April, the annual Terry Fox charity event took place in BCOS as scheduled. Students enjoyed playing games and doing their part for charity. Each group passed on the warmth through their own charity sale.

Terry Fox, a young Canadian who had cancer and had his right leg amputated, started a charity run in 1980 to help cancer patients and made a great contribution to the cause with an optimistic heart. This is why for several years we have organized a charity run and fundraiser for our students.
What made this year’s run different from the usual ones was that Team Porcupine added interesting games, called “two-person and three-legs” and “touching a stone to cross a river”. The two-person three legs required four people from each team to form two teams. It was a great test of cooperation, and the surprise was that the students did very well, especially Team Racoon. Ariana and Susan seemed to have no problem with the elastic band and reached the finishing line quickly. Touching the Stone is a single player game that tests the perseverance of the participants. It may not seem difficult, but students said it was very demanding on their thigh muscles after the event, and one even said, “It was like doing 50 squats.” The competition was intense and exciting, Lauren who was sent by Arctic Hare, played steadily and came in second as the only girl in the top standing. She took each step one brick at a time, and each step she took was well thought out, her group all nervous and silently cheering for her.

After the run, it was time for the most anticipated “Pie in the Face”, where the teacher would pick one lucky winner from the votes cast by the students, and he would slap the prepared shaving foam on the teacher’s face. The excited vote began with our Headmaster, Mr. O’ryan, and since he wanted to take up the slack and there were even more lucky winners this year, as a deafening roar of cheers filled the playground. The sun shone through the shade of the trees and shone on the faces of the students and teachers smeared with foam and smiles as they ran and played in the playground, as if the warmth was passing between them and spreading with the wind to every corner of the world.
The event was not only a chance for students to learn about Terry Fox as usual, but also a chance for them to participate in the charity sale and to feel the precious spirit of passing on the warmth. During the games, students from BCOS were also giving encouragement and warmth to each other, creating a more meaningful event.