by Lynn, Grade 10
The science fair is an activity in which students can choose their favorite science topics and research them. It is a rather unique approach to broaden students’ horizons as it offers students the chance to acquire knowledge in certain fields of science and explore them further. This year, led by Mr. O’Ryan and Mr. Hughes, all students participated in the BCOS Science Fair of 2020.
There were several rounds in this activity. First, the students were expected to explore some highly charged issues, and then decide which topic they would like to research further. Then, in accordance with the scientific method of establishing questions and hypotheses, they considered the materials and procedures that were necessary for the experiments and tried their best to finish them in time. They would have to make reflections during their whole experiment. This would help them obtain constructive experience for future research. Additionally, this activity plays an important role in nurturing their logic and cautiousness while tackling problems.

Every year, the science fair requires students to take more than two months of careful preparation for the final large-scale demonstration. This year, our school invited all the teachers and some of our alumni come to our school and judge the projects. We found some interesting topics and research this year which includes scientific inventions, the relationship between psychological concepts, and some experiments related to chemistry and physics. In the final exhibition on December 21st 2020, every group showed their display board (poster) and presented their findings to all students and judges from BCOS. Every poster showed the topic, procedure, and the conclusion of students’ experiments. In this process, everyone could explain their research to others. It is also one of factors that show which group did the most wonderful job. It is not difficult to imagine that the scene was in full swing and everyone actively participated in this activity.

Science Fair is a significant annual event at BCOS. Every student attaches great importance to this activity: the reason is not only for the prizes, though those are fairly valuable, but also because of the knowledge that students can learn from this process. It must be a wonderful memory for every BCOS student!